Saturday, 19 December 2015

Controlled Assessment Title

This is the title that we will be exploring with students:

Explain how coastal management strategies used in your chosen area have taken conflicting views into account.

It is one of four Fieldwork Focus titles which are provided for 2016-17 for OCR 'B' Geography.

We will explore various aspects of the title, and what it means, and how it will be answered over the year to come, but you may want to start by thinking about the following questions:
- what do we mean by the word 'management' in this context?
- how are coastal areas managed? what are the strategies used? where are different strategies used?
- who is going to be holding views on this?
- what are the possible conflicts that may develop?

And of course:
- how am I going to collect these views and explore their relationship with the different strategies?

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