Sunday, 9 October 2016

Cromer work

For students to refer to...

Cromer Work by GeoBlogs on Scribd

What is Controlled Assessment?

Controlled Assessment forms part of your GCSE studies. It allows you to get ahead of the game, and secure a good percentage of your final mark before it comes to the written examination. The coursework guide which you were handed, and which is included in a previous post on this blog, provides the details on how to access these marks.

The new GCSE specifications are going to assess students in a slightly different way, so this is the last year of the 'old' Controlled Assessment.

It is important that you make the most of your time in the lessons between now and the hand in date, which will be outlined by your teachers. There is more detail in the Specification document if you, or your parents, would like to find out more.
Good luck with the creation of your finished piece of Controlled Assessment....

Options for mapping the coast

First of all, get hold of some maps of the coast to locate the various places that we visited on the fieldtrip.

Digital options:

- Digimap for Schools - we have a subscription to this service - this is the best option - ask your teachers for a login and password and you can create PDF maps

 - ArcGIS Online - also has analytical tools such as heat maps. For this you'll need to geo-locate your questionnaires

- Stamen: Watercolor and Toner maps - these provide a nice attractive map for front covers, but the Toner maps can also be useful for marking on data, or adding other features.

- Field Papers - produce your own atlas essentially....

Paper options

- Ordnance Survey maps are available in the department for most areas of the UK

There are also some more local maps of the coastline, including a useful map which takes OS data but produces a strip map which runs along the coast. These were for sale from shops in Cromer, so if you're planning to head back to finesse your data collection or get some more photos then keep an eye out for them.