Thursday, 14 July 2016

Flood Risk Mapping

A new tool, which uses Open Data from the Environment Agency and Ordnance Survey.

It displays flood risk across the UK, and has been made by BWB Consulting.
Layers can be added showing flood risk from different sources, and various options are available from the menu top left of the main screen.

We can use this tool to explore flood risk at some of the places we will be visiting…
This will be a SECONDARY DATA source.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Art on the beach..

Out to the Norfolk coast today to visit Cley16: an annual art exhibition which takes place in the church in Cley and other nearby locations. These included a piece by Brian Korteling which is shown below, and which I really liked. It represents the view as taken from 3 different perspectives, and breaks up the lines nicely... we'll be here in September.